Starting well

Starting well

As someone with ADHD I have difficulties with executive function which can cause problems with task initiation.

I might feel overwhelmed by the task — I sometimes get distracted — I can struggle to prioritise and estimate how long tasks will take. These are all likely to result in avoidance and the longer it is before I start the task the more my memory of any conversations will degrade causing more procrastination, avoidance and delay.

My favorite way to avoid these problems is to set up a Start task. I tell myself that if I just get the Start task set up then that is enough for today, however, once I have set it up I am generally in flow and can carry on, and will often complete the task in that one session as the information that I have collected together will help me to tip over from overwhelmed to ready to start work.

I have designed a canvas to support this. Get it by subscribing to my (infrequent) newsletter (form at the end of the page). You can unsubscribe at any time.

You can use anything for this, my canvas which you can get below, pen & paper, a spreadsheet, a document or specific task management software. I used a SAAS tool called Tana which is a note taking app which is described as “like having an operating system for your life”. It is very flexible and allows me to add fields for any need I have, although now I am going to print the canvas as large as possible and use sticky notes.

The first iteration of my Start Task looked like this

Title - Date: - Title: - Description: - Background: - Previous start: - Goal: - Future actions: -Who can help? - Due date: - Breadcrumbs:

What do I add to the task?

  • todays date
  • a descriptive title which is more likely to attract than repel me with a clear action
  • any useful background and/or description
  • a link to any previous starting task for this action e.g. if I started yesterday and carried on today
  • the goal of this session
  • any future actions which I identify as I go which may be completed today or in a future session and might just be a list of actions which I brainstorm if that is useful
  • Who (or what) could help with this task
  • a due date for this task
  • breadcrumbs which are things to help me get started if I need to do another session e.g. Links and notes.

Here is an example using the canvas in Miro

Empty a box of paperwork #start - Date: Yesterday - Title: Empty a box of paperwork - Description: - Background: Part of clear office - Previous start: - Goal: Reduce, recycle, shred, scan and deal with any resulting tasks - Future actions:   - Open box   - Go through one item at a time   - Decide if it is rubbish   - Decide if any of it needs to be shredded   - If is to be kept scan it using genius scan and save it into a suitable location - Who can help?: N/A - Due date: Today - Breadcrumbs:

The information I include helps me to make sense of the task and feel assured that I have what I need or I know what to look for if I don't.

I have created a canvas to support this activity. Get it below, you can unsubscribe at any time.

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