Scaffolding for ADHD

ADHD scaffolding refers to the use of external supports and structures to help people with ADHD overcome executive functioning challenges and complete tasks successfully. Scaffolding is a concept from education, where it is used to describe the support given to learners as they develop new skills or knowledge.

Some examples of scaffolding I use:

Note taking

I have a poor working memory and so I am rarely to be seen without a note book, iPad or laptop when working and I will often tell people that if it doesn't get written down it might not (probably won't) happen so please remind me when I say I am going to do something to make sure that it is captured.


Time blindness is a challenge and so I use timers as reminders for specific activities, but also to help me be aware of the passing of time.

Visual reminders

I make a lot of use of visual reminders. This sometimes takes the form of a sticky note on the fridge written the night before or a bag of things I need to take with me in front of the door.


It is not practical to leave everything I might need out to give me a visual cue just in case, if I did there would be too much for me to notice anyway and so I use checklists to remind me of things I need to take with me on a given day. I also use checklists to break down a process so that I don't procrastinate for example my VAT return for the business.


My coach gives me space to think about and discuss where I might make changes to improve certain aspects of my scaffolding. ADHD makes it impossible to be consistent and so I have to try to stay one step ahead (or no more than one step behind).

If you would like to have a conversation about how I might be able to help you or your team with coaching around scaffolding please contact me via email or directly book a 30 minute call. I look forward to hearing from you. Or you could take a look at some testimonials.