ADHD tax & my most recent example

ADHD tax is the financial and emotional cost of living with the condition.

My most recent example is that I can't find my degree certificate from 2007. I thought it was with my other exam results in a folder but when I found that (having searched the storage unit) the degree information was not in there. This means that it could be in any of the 30 boxes in the storage unit or in my IKEA kallax shelving in the house.

I need the certificate to sign up for the Postgraduate Certificate part of my coaching course. I could replace it for £60 from the university.

  • I don't want to pay £60 for something it is possible I will find in the next box I open
  • I don't want to spend a day in the storage unit searching through boxes for two pieces of paper
  • I don't want to miss out on the opportunity to gain the PG cert
  • I don't want to be this disorganised


When I was diagnosed with ADHD in 2008, I realised that I had been working really hard to be organised since childhood. That fell away when I went into hospital on the 5th September 2011 with my stroke and has been patchy at best since then. I can be organised about a work thing particularly something I am leading on but most other things are a struggle.

This example is fairly simple and mostly unproblematic, I have a choice about spending the money to replace the certificate or to look for it and it is not going to have a huge impact on me either way. Irritating but not a big problem. Don't touch the remote though....